Great Ideas To Keep Your Baby Occupied All Day

Published on Jun 5, 2023.

You have read all the parenting books. You have prepared your home, making it babyproof and welcoming for your newborn. You have scoured the internet forums to look for advice on what to do. The time is finally here: the baby has arrived. The first few weeks pass by in a whirlwind of bathing, feeding, changing, and so forth.
The moment of reckoning, however, comes much later after you have established a rhythm. How do you keep your baby occupied? Apart from the daily activities you do, how else can you meaningfully spend time with your child? Well, we have a list of five ways in which you can have some quality parent-child bonding and have some fun while you are at it!

Bring Baby Outside for a Walk

Many studies have shown that going out for even a ten-to-fifteen-minute walk every day can help improve cardiovascular health and improve your mood. As a parent, it is often easy to neglect your own health when you are preoccupied with taking care of your child. However, as the air stewardesses say, “Put on your oxygen masks first before tending to your child”. Additionally, when your mood lifts, your baby’s mood will too seeing you happy and smiling. If that does not convince you, remember that babies learn by exploring the world around them, so bring a slice of the world to them by bringing them outside for a walk.

Reading a Story to Your Baby

Hearing a parent’s or caregiver’s voice is shown to be really soothing for babies. So why not combine that with some edutainment in the form of stories. Generally, reading a story to your baby is a bedtime or naptime ritual also involving cuddly blankets and colorful toys, but you can adapt it to whenever your child is more receptive to. It is best to have a physical book at hand so your child remains engaged throughout.

Unstructured Play with Baby

As parents, it seems tempting t purchase a wide variety of toys to keep babies engaged. The truth, however, is that you don’t need fancy equipment to keep your child engaged. Unstructured play is the best way to get your child’s creative juices flowing. A small bag of flour or some jelly can be a fun way for your child to develop his sensory skills.

Have a Play Date with Another Baby

If you are friends with another parent, then it may be ideal to arrange a day when your babies can play together. Social skills are important for everyone, and it is best to start young. Let your child learn to share toys, navigate conflicts, and express themselves with their peers. This is especially true if your child doesn’t have an older or younger sibling that they can play with.

Make the “Mundane” Things Fun with Your Baby

If you have already done all of the above and still feel as though your baby is unoccupied, then it is time to switch things up a bit and inject a little fun into your routine tasks. For example, you can make bath time a little more fun by teaching them colors or making them wear comfy socks right after!